Elvan Shop

​Cooperation with TÜBİTAK and universities

​With its R&D Center, which is periodically inspected and re-accredited by the Ministry, Elvan also pioneers the development of university-industry cooperation in its sector. Deepening the R&D culture with its collaborations with universities, Elvan opens the doors of the R&D Center to universities, and ensures that the academic world meets practice. The universities with which Elvan currently collaborates:

​Hacettepe University Food Research Center (HÜGAM)
Istanbul Technical University Food Engineering
Yıldız Technical University Food Engineering
Ege University Food Engineering

Elvan develops innovative projects with TÜBİTAK, producing innovative products and obtaining patents.

Innovation award from ISO

​Turkey’s largest industrial chamber; Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO), which gives prizes to encourage companies for innovation, has also awarded Elvan who established the first R & D Center in its sector. Giving the Innovation Award to Elvan in the field of ‘Business Results’, ISO presented a model to other companies.

​The aforementioned award was given to Elvan Group Vice President Osman Kadiroğlu by the presentation of the Chairman of ISO Board of Directors Erdal BAHÇIVAN, the Chairman of ISO Assembly Zeynep Bodur OKYAY, Minister of Science, Industry and Technology Mr. Fikri IŞIK and Governor of Istanbul Hüseyin Avni Mutlu.

‘Natural innovation’

​Elvan, who established the first R&D Center in its sector, pioneered university-industry cooperation, and received an Innovation award from ISO, shows its difference in innovation with its ‘natural innovation’ vision. Aware of the unwanted consequences of especially the understanding of innovation in food to humanity such as GMO, Elvan foresees an innovation similar to the renewal in nature, similar to the arrival of spring-summer after winter with the vision of “Natural innovation”. It acts with a sustainable innovation approach that does not spoil the origin of food and does not harm people and the environment.