Elvan Shop

Recruitment Process

Recruitment and Placement
​Employees are recruited for all departments according to the norm staff analysis, and the staff requirement is included in the annual budget. New positions to be opened are determined with the norm staff analysis,

​The positions are determined as a result of the work analysis, workload and workforce calculation to be made by the Human Resources Directorate upon the suggestions of the relevant units. Along with the budget of each year, the annual personnel staff (titles and occupational status are indicated as numbers according to the departments in this staff) are submitted to the General Directorate for approval in a way to allow comparison with the previous year, taking into account the work volume and need. With the approval of the General Manager, the Human Resources Manager is authorized for the personnel to be recruited during the year.

Recruitment criteria;

Having Elvan Food Main Competencies:

​ELVAN Food expects its employees to adopt the core competencies of the company.

​These core competencies of the company are;

​Customer Oriented
Tendency to Teamwork
Effective Problem Solving ”.
Adopting Elvan Food Main Values;

Adoption, dissemination and continiuation the corporate culture, which is; respect-love, diligence, self-sacrifice, being content, modesty, loyalty and honesty, Human orientation, respect for local and cultural values.

Technical Compliance:

ELVAN FOOD has determined the necessary technical criteria for each position. Candidates are evaluated with their foreign language, education level, work experience, job-specific knowledge, computer knowledge and their ability to use the necessary equipment according to their department.

Tools we use in our recruitment process:

Competency-Based Interviews: Based on our candidates’ past work experience or behavior patterns in the face of different problems, we aim to determine their competencies and suitability for the position. We apply competency-based interview technique in all our positions, including our blue collar positions.Classic Interviews: In order for our candidates to express themselves more easily, especially in our blue-collar positions, classical interview technique is applied. When necessary, competency-based interview questions can also be asked in blue collar interviews

Professional Knowledge Tests: We use it mainly in technical knowledge and expertise departments. We evaluate the candidates, which are defined in the job requirements and in the advertisement and determined in line with their university graduation, with the opportunity to use the tools and equipment they need to use.Our candidates are provided with the opportunity to apply from 3 different sources.Online Application: Our candidates apply for positions via our company candidate database ik@elvan.com.tr or through the career portal “Yenibiriş.com” with which we have signed an agreement.Internship Opportunities:Elvan Academy: 20 people are selected from summer term interns and are trained by in-company trainers for 10 days.They do 10 days of practical internship.Summer term internship: It provides internship opportunities for university students. If there is a need for a staff, a job offer is made for the department where they are doing their internship, otherwise their CVs are kept for later evaluation in case of need.High school intern: High school intern is not accepted as a company policy.Training ActivitiesIn order for the knowledge skill levels of the personnel working in the company to keep up with the developing technology, it is necessary to continuously train in and out of the company. Training needs may change and be revised during the year.Trainings are given by trainers in case of the adaptation of new employees, determination of training needs with changing technology, changes in positions and new management techniques.Career ManagementAs a result of good education and career opportunities, procedures are carried out in order to increase business performance, to ensure satisfaction, loyalty of employees, to better determine individual training and development needs. Career planning is done vertically, horizontally and towards the center in our company.There are hierarchical steps consisting of 8 levels.Open positions:Click for open positions.Job ApplicationYou need to fill in the form below and the detailed application form in the appendix, upload it to this page and send your CV to us.Download the job application form.

Download the job application form.

​Download the job application form.